Planning application P151314/F for the new single carriageway (Southern Link Road) and associated works

You will be aware that the Hereford Enterprise Zone is a government backed regeneration initiative responsible for the development of over 100 acres of employment land at Rotherwas, south east Hereford. Over its lifetime the project has the scope to deliver 1,500,000 sqft of new employment floorspace, accommodating 4,000 jobs. As the largest employment site in the county, Rotherwas and the Enterprise Zone will fulfil a vital role in the expansion of the city’s economic and employment growth.

To continue the progress made to date and to enable the full build out of the Enterprise Zone the Enterprise Zone board recognise that additional capacity is required within the Hereford transport network.

The board further recognise that the Southern Link Road is an important element in gaining this additional capacity. It is understood that the Southern Link Road will:

• Promote economic growth within Hereford

• Improve, or enable, access to developments, such as the Enterprise Zone

• Reduces growth in congestion and delay

• Builds resilience into the local road network.

The Board are also aware of the requirement to install a range of sustainable travel methods alongside the construction of the Southern Link Road. They remain interested to learn more about these proposals and can facilitate engagement with businesses on the Zone, and wider Rotherwas, on this matter once planning permission has been granted for the road element.

Although not the subject of this planning application, it is apparent that the Southern Link Road will become the first section of the Hereford bypass and that this will enable businesses within the Enterprise Zone to have improved road connections to the north of the county and beyond.

The Board recognise that the Southern Link Road and the Hereford bypass will perform a role, alongside the new housing allocated across the city, the recent retail provision at the Old Market, the proposals for a new University, and the Enterprise Zone, in providing integral elements of the required transport infrastructure to support Hereford’s continued growth and ability to retain essential services within the city.

For the above reasons the Enterprise Zone board are supportive of planning application P151314/F for the new single carriageway (Southern Link Road) and associated works.

Yours sincerely